State of Delaware Office of Pensions
Welcome to the Delaware Public Employees’ Retirement System (DPERS) website! We proudly serve over 30,000 retired members and over 40,000 active members participating in a Defined Benefit Plan. DPERS takes responsibility for the management and investment of the trust fund and understands that markets will fluctuate. DPERS investment policy seeks to minimize risk and provide returns over the long term with a well-diversified investment portfolio. This has served its members well as the trust fund continues to remain as one of the top managed public pension funds in the country.
DPERS just celebrated its 50th year. The system was established on June 11, 1970 with four pension plans totaling assets of $14.7 million. Fifty years later, assets total over $14 billion. While we are a division of the Office of Management and Budget, oversight is managed by the Board of Pension Trustees and its subcommittees: Investment Committee, Audit Committee and Governance Committee. The Board, the staff and I are committed to serving those that served Delaware.
Your Pension Administrator,
Joanna Adams
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