State of Delaware Office of Pensions
In order to complete the forms properly in .PDF Format, you must have Adobe's Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. If you don't already have this utility, you can download a free copy from Adobe's website by clicking on the Acrobat Reader icon below. Download the form and open it in Adobe Acrobat to complete.
Pensioners may request that Federal and Delaware state taxes be withheld from their retirement monthly pension benefit. The Office of Pensions does not withhold state taxes for any state other than Delaware.
You can update your tax withholding by completing and submitting a new form(s), they will replace your current withholdings:
You can submit the form(s) to the Office of Pensions by mail, email: or by fax: (302)739-6129.
The Office of Pensions staff cannot provide tax advice. If you have specific questions regarding taxes, you may wish to consult with a qualified tax adviser.
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