State of Delaware Office of Pensions
The Annual Open Enrollment for Highmark Delaware Special Medicfill and Express Scripts Medicare (PDP) for the State of Delaware is October 12 – 23, 2015 for the Plan Year January 1 – December 31, 2016.
The State of Delaware mailed letters to Medicare-eligible retirees and/or their Medicare-eligible dependent(s) beginning September 17th. Express Scripts will begin mailing material early in October to those retirees and/or dependent(s) who are already enrolled in Express Scripts Medicare (PDP).
**Special Medicfill is the State of Delaware Medicare Supplement Plan
**Express Scripts Medicare (PDP) is the State of Delaware Medicare Prescription Plan
Please use the following links to learn more about the Special Medicfill Open Enrollment.
For further information regarding this Open Enrollment and the Express Scripts Medicare Prescription Drug Plan, click the following link to visit the open enrollment web page for the Statewide Benefits Office.
To learn more about returning to work after retirement please follow this link.
Pension Benefits Change Coming for Correctional Officers classified as Hazardous Duty Level A-1
Learn more here.
JULY 6 - 17, 2015:
Health plan enrollment for health plan and rate changes effective September 1, 2015. Be on the lookout for additional information. For more information.
Next payment date for Pensioners
Complete payment date list