State of Delaware Office of Pensions
Due to the change in DSS rates, the State of Delaware is providing employees and non-Medicare pensioners currently enrolled in a non-Medicare DSS health plan with an opportunity to make a change to their health plan election during a DSS Special Enrollment period (November 1 - 17, 2017). The health plan election made during this Special Enrollment will be in effect for January 1, 2018 through June 30, 2018, unless you have a qualifying event/family status change or you terminate employment with the State of Delaware. State of Delaware employees and non-Medicare pensioners were mailed a letter during the week of October 23 with important information.
Pre-retirement workshops are being held to provide information regarding Delaware State Employees' Pension Plan benefits. There is no cost or pre-registration required to attend these workshops. Individual retirement estimates will not be distributed at these workshops. Participants will learn how to prepare their own estimated benefit using the Pension Office website. Please click on the link below for workshop dates, times, and locations".
Pre-retirement Workshops
Complete the Online Course “Being A Wise Health Care Consumer: What's In It For Me?”
The link is: Being A Wise Health Care Consumer
To learn more about our Pre-Retirement Workshop schedule or Group Counseling schedule please follow this link to our Workshop Schedules. If you have questions please contact our office by email at or by telephone at (302) 739-4208 or (800) 722-7300 if you have any questions.
New Video Library:
We are in the process of creating an informational video library that will include brief overviews of our Pension Plans, in addition to videos that will help explain areas of the pension process where we receive many questions. Our first video offering is an overview of the State Employees' Pension Plan (SEPP). Continue to check the website as we add to our library!
• View the video library here.
Next payment date for Pensioners
Complete payment date list