Click "Estimate Pension" to display the Estimated Pension
50% survivor option | 66% survivor option | 75% survivor option | 100% survivor option |
$ | $ | $ | $ |
This estimate is for illustrative purposes only. Estimated calculations have been rounded to two digits. It is intended to assist with long-term financial planning. It is not a guarantee of pensions that may be available to a member at retirement. Any reliance on information obtained through this pensions estimator must be done solely at the user's own risk.
No decisions should be made regarding actual retirement choices based in whole or in part upon information obtained through this pension estimator. Before making any final retirement plans, a member should contact an Office of Pensions pensions counselor. Nothing in this estimate is meant to extend or change in anyway the provisions expressed in the Plan. If there is a conflict between this calculation and the Plan, the Plan controls. All member accounts are subject to final audit. To obtain an estimate of pensions from the Office of Pensions, call 1-302-739-4208 or toll-free at 1-800-722-7300.
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