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State of Delaware Office of Pensions

County and Municipal (Police/Firefighters) Plan - Service Pension


You are eligible for a service pension beginning the month after you leave employment if:

  • You are at least 62 years of age and terminate service with at least five (5) years of credited service, or
  • Your age plus years of credited service (at least ten (10) years service) equals 75, or
  • You have 20 years of credited service.
At the time of your application for pension, you may be eligible for a unified pension. A unified pension would combine your years of service as a County Municipal Police Officer or Firefighter with any years of equalized State service you have from the Delaware State Employees' Pension Plan, the Delaware County and Municipal General Pension Plan, or the Delaware New State Police Pension Plan.

Retiree Member Login
State Employees' Pension
Summary Plan Description

To access and pay for the training online please visit: The Delaware Safety Council
Enter Retirees' discount code and pay $12.

This training is for retirees only in the State Employees’, Judicial, Old State Police and New State Police Pension Plans and is not intended for family members.
Contact Delaware Safety Council for Questions at:
(302) 276-0660

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Delaware Office of Pensions Logo
State of Delaware Office of Pensions
McArdle Building, 860 Silver Lake Blvd., Suite #1
Dover, DE 19904-2402
Toll Free: (800) 722-7300, Local: (302) 739-4208
SLC 570A
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