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State of Delaware Office of Pensions

County and Municipal (Police/Firefighters) Plan - Survivors Benefits


Upon the death of a member receiving a service or disability pension, the pension payable to your eligible survivor(s), beginning the month following your death, will be determined based on the irrevocable Joint and Survivor option made at the time of retirement.

Those retiring prior to January 1, 2015
At the time of retirement, an employee must make an irrevocable election to provide a survivor’s pension based on the following:

  • No reduction of pension to provide a 50% survivor’s pension
  • Pension reduced by 3% to provide a 75% survivor’s pension

Those retiring on or after January 1, 2015

  • No reduction of pension to provide a 50% survivor’s pension
  • Pension reduced by 2% to provide a 66.67% survivor’s pension
  • Pension reduced by 3% to provide a 75% survivor’s pension
  • Pension reduced by 6% to provide a 100% survivor’s pension


  • If an employee dies in active service, the eligible survivor(s) will be paid a survivor's pension beginning the month following the employee’s death. The amount of the pension is three-fourths (75%) of the service pension the employee would have been eligible to receive.

  • If an employee dies in active service and death occurred in the line of duty, the eligible survivor(s) will be paid a survivor’s pension beginning the month following the employee’s death. The amount of the pension will be three-fourths (75%) of the member’s compensation.


The following lists the priority of survivor(s) unless you change the priority by filing a Priority of Eligible Survivors form (completed in its entirety) with the Office of Pensions:

  1. Surviving spouse,
  2. Unmarried child or children either under age 18 or between age 18 and 22, and attending school on a full-time basis, or over age 18 but permanently disabled before age 18;
  3. Dependent parent who was receiving one-half of his or her support from the member at the time of the member’s death.

If the primary survivor ceases to be eligible for a survivor's pension, that pension becomes payable to the next eligible survivor(s).

Retiree Member Login
State Employees' Pension
Summary Plan Description

To access and pay for the training online please visit: The Delaware Safety Council
Enter Retirees' discount code and pay $12.

This training is for retirees only in the State Employees’, Judicial, Old State Police and New State Police Pension Plans and is not intended for family members.
Contact Delaware Safety Council for Questions at:
(302) 276-0660

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State of Delaware Office of Pensions
McArdle Building, 860 Silver Lake Blvd., Suite #1
Dover, DE 19904-2402
Toll Free: (800) 722-7300, Local: (302) 739-4208
SLC 570A
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