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State of Delaware Office of Pensions

Diamond State Port Corporation Pension Plan - Survivor Benefits

The eligible survivor is determined at the time of the participant’s death:

  1. Surviving spouse* (legally married/civil union) must have been married at the time of retirement
  2. If unmarried, the named Beneficiary or Beneficiary’s Estate.

Survivor Benefit

  • If a married participant dies in active service, after acquiring fifteen (15) years of pension credited service, the eligible spouse will be paid a survivor's pension beginning the month following the participant’s death. The amount of the pension is 50% of the service pension the participant would have been eligible to receive.
  • If an unmarried participant dies in active service, after acquiring fifteen (15) years of pension credited service, the beneficiary or beneficiary’s estate will be paid the monthly pension for 120 payments. If a married former participant dies while not in active service after attaining age 55 and is vested, the surviving spouse will be paid a survivor’s pension, beginning with the first of the month following the former participant’s death... The amount of the pension will be 50% of the service or reduced pension the participant would have been eligible to receive.
  • If an unmarried former participant dies while not in active service after attaining age 55 and is vested, the designated beneficiary or participant’s estate will be paid the contributory balance plus interest...
  • Upon the death of a married participant receiving a service pension, a monthly survivor’s pension shall be payable to the spouse, if the participant was married on the participant’s retirement date. The amount of the pension will be 50% of the pension the participant was receiving until the spouse dies.
  • Upon the death of a married participant receiving a disability pension, a monthly survivor’s pension shall be payable to the spouse, if the participant was married on the participant’s retirement date. The amount of the pension will be 50% of the pension the participant was receiving until the spouse dies or remarries.
  • Upon the death of an unmarried participant receiving a service pension, if 120 payments were not paid to the participant, a monthly survivor’s pension shall be payable to the designated beneficiary(ies) or participant’s estate. The amount of the pension will be 100% of the pension benefit the participant was receiving until the total of 120 payments are exhausted.  If more than one beneficiary is designated to receive the survivor’s pension benefit, the amount will be divided between the beneficiaries in equal shares.
  • Upon the death of an unmarried participant, under the age of 55 and receiving a disability pension, any remaining contributory balance and interest will be paid to the designated beneficiary or beneficiary’s estate.
  • Upon the death of an unmarried participant, at age 55 or older and receiving a disability pension, 120 payments will be paid to the designated beneficiary or beneficiary’s estate.
  • Upon the death of a participant prior to the age of 55, the surviving spouse, designated beneficiary or beneficiary’s estate are eligible to receive a refund of the participant’s contributions and interest.

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State Employees' Pension
Summary Plan Description

To access and pay for the training online please visit: The Delaware Safety Council
Enter Retirees' discount code and pay $12.

This training is for retirees only in the State Employees’, Judicial, Old State Police and New State Police Pension Plans and is not intended for family members.
Contact Delaware Safety Council for Questions at:
(302) 276-0660

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SEPP Pre-Retirement Workshop

Wednesday February 26
9 am - 11 am

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State of Delaware Office of Pensions
McArdle Building, 860 Silver Lake Blvd., Suite #1
Dover, DE 19904-2402
Toll Free: (800) 722-7300, Local: (302) 739-4208
SLC 570A
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