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State of Delaware Office of Pensions

Newsroom Archives

Archived 2010 News

October 14, 2010

The Office of Management and Budget has mailed letters to approximately 9,600 State of Delaware retirees reminding them to enroll in the Experian Triple Alert credit monitoring program offered for three years free of charge by Aon Consulting as a result of a security incident.

** Offer Expires November 28, 2010

August 30, 2010

Division of Statewide Benefits' consultant, Aon Consulting, has mailed letters to approximately 22,000 State of Delaware retirees informing them of a security incident.

State of Delaware Pensioners 2010 - Benefits Information

2010 Open Enrollment is closed. Download the PDF document booklet that details the comprehensive package which covers the health, dental and prescription needs of all benefit eligible State of Delaware employees and pensioners as well as their dependents. Despite continued financial pressures, employee/pensioner premiums for medical plans have not increased this year. A few coverage changes are being implemented in an effort to control costs.

Please take the time to review all of the benefit options and choose the plans that fit your needs as open enrollment is the one time each year to enroll, make changes or terminate coverage in these plans. More information can be found at the Statewide Benefits website -

Active employee annual statements for calendar year 2009 will be mailed on May 24, 2010.
Income Tax Withholding Information:

Every January the Pension Office updates the Federal and State tax withholding tables and those changes are reflected in your January pension check. For January of 2010, you may have noticed a larger difference than in prior years. The reason for this is twofold; first, there were the normal state and federal income tax table changes and secondly, there was an adjustment of the federal income tax tables for changes that were made in 2009 to implement The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the federal stimulus bill).

If you recall, in April 2009, new tax withholding tables were put into place as a result of the federal stimulus bill. These changes increased your monthly net pay for the remainder of 2009. The 2010 tax tables do not reflect the lower withholding that was part of the stimulus bill thus, there is an increase in your tax withholding for 2010.

You can change your tax withholdings by filing a Tax Withholding Election (TWE) form which is available on our website at
our retiree form page


Tax Withholding Election Form:
In the event that you wish to change your current tax withholding, you may print from our website the Tax Withholding Election (TWE) form for submission to our office.

* Only submit this form if you wish to make a change.

Retiree Member Login
State Employees' Pension
Summary Plan Description

To access and pay for the training online please visit: The Delaware Safety Council
Enter Retirees' discount code and pay $12.

This training is for retirees only in the State Employees’, Judicial, Old State Police and New State Police Pension Plans and is not intended for family members.
Contact Delaware Safety Council for Questions at:
(302) 276-0660

Anonymous Fraud Reporting Hotline
Customer Service
Delaware Office of Pensions Logo
State of Delaware Office of Pensions
McArdle Building, 860 Silver Lake Blvd., Suite #1
Dover, DE 19904-2402
Toll Free: (800) 722-7300, Local: (302) 739-4208
SLC 570A
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