State of Delaware Office of Pensions
Medco Health Solutions, Inc. became part of the Express Scripts family earlier this year, and the combined company will now be known as Express Scripts. Beginning September 1, 2012, you will see the Express Scripts name and logo on communications, but you may also continue to see the Medco name on some communications until the renaming process is completed.
IMPORTANT! Your prescription benefits have not changed!
Detailed information regarding your health, dental, vision and prescription benefits is now available in the 2012 Open Enrollment Booklet. Click here to access the booklet. Click here to download a "print friendly" version of the booklet.
Form RE-1, Disability Pensioner's Report of Earnings, was mailed on 2/15/12. Completed forms are due back to our office by 4/30/12.
Active employee annual statements for calendar year 2011 were mailed on February 14, 2012.
Effective January 1, 2012, there will be a Post Retirement Increase of 2% for retired State Employees, retired Judges, retired New State Police and retired County and Municipal Police/Firefighters (not the Closed State Police plan) whose effective date of retirement was on or before June 30, 2010. This will be reflected in the monthly pension benefit payments beginning January 31, 2012.
The Closed State Police Post Retirement Increase is 2.07% and will be included in the July 29, 2011 benefit payment.
For additional information please see our July 2011 Retiree Newsletter.
Tax Withholding Election Form:
Please review your State of Delaware pension benefit tax withholding election. In the event that you wish to change your current tax withholding, you may print from our website the Tax Withholding Election (TWE) form for submission to our office.
* Only submit this form if you wish to make a change.
Civil Union and Equality Act of 2011 (also known as Senate Bill 30) becomes effective January 1, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. This new law gives parties to a civil union the same rights, benefits, protections annd responsibilities as a married person under Delaware Law. Members of the Delaware Public Employees' Retirement System who have entered into a civil union will have survivor pension rights as well as health,dental, and vision coverage for the civil union spouse.
See Frequently Asked Questions for more information.
If you are interested in attending an information session pertaining to the Civil Union and Equality Act of 2011, click here for times and locations of upcoming sessions.
For more information about Civil Unions, click here.
Next payment date for Pensioners
Complete payment date list